Voer uw gebruikersnaam of e-mailadres in. We sturen u een e-mail met instructies voor het opnieuw instellen van uw wachtwoord. Als u uw gebruikersnaam bent vergeten, de e-mail niet hebt ontvangen om uw wachtwoord opnieuw in te stellen of hulp nodig hebt, neem dan contact met ons op.
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U kunt een nieuw account aanvragen door uw gegevens naar ons te mailen. Na goedkeuring sturen we u een tijdelijk wachtwoord per e-mail.
Momenteel kunnen alleen partners en werknemers van Kyocera Document Solutions inloggen. Heeft u vragen? Neem contact met ons op.
U kunt zelf bepalen welke type cookies onze website op uw apparaat plaatst. U kunt uw cookievoorkeuren altijd vanaf deze pagina beheren.
Wij gebruiken cookies om ervoor te zorgen dat onze website goed werkt en soms om een dienst op uw verzoek te verrichten (zoals het beheer van uw cookievoorkeuren). Deze cookies zijn altijd actief, tenzij u uw browser zo instelt dat cookies geblokkeerd worden. Daardoor is het mogelijk dat sommige delen van de website niet werken zoals verwacht.
Cookie Name: pi_opt_in
Provider: Salesforce
Cookie characteristic: If your account tracks opt-in preferences, the pi_opt_in cookie is set with a true or false value when the visitor opts in or out of tracking
Expiration: From 180 days to 3650 days
Link: https://www.salesforce.com/company/privacy/
Cookie Name: dt
Provider: Addthis
Cookie characteristic: Maintenance cookies that help manage expiration for other cookies
Expiration: unknown
Link: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/
Cookie Name: bt2
Provider: Addthis
Cookie characteristic: Used by the social sharing platform AddThis to keep a record of parts of the site that has been visited in order to recommend other parts of the site
Expiration: 255 days
Link: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/
Cookie Name: s_cc
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: This cookie is set and read by the JavaScript code to determine if cookies are enabled (simply set to "True")
Expiration: Session
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie Name: mbox
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: Adobe Target uses cookies to give website operators the ability to test which online content and offers are more relevant to visitors
Expiration: 2 weeks
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie Name: demdex
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: Audience Manager sets this cookie to assign a unique ID to a site visitor. The demdex cookie helps Audience Mangerperform basic functions such as visitor identification, ID synchronization, segmentation, modeling, reporting, etc.Opt-out: Audience Manager resets the cookie with a Do Not Target string if a user opts-out of data collection. In this case, the cookie TTL is set as 10 years.
Expiration: 180 days
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie Name: SessionPersistence
Provider: Kyocera (first Party)
Cookie characteristic: load balancing session cookies for the duration of a session
Expiration: Persistent
Cookie Name: check
Provider: Kyocera (first Party)
Cookie characteristic: Adobe Launch Cookie - checks if cookies are enabled in user's browser
Expiration: Persistent
Cookie Name: essentialsCookies
Provider: Kyocera (first Party)
Cookie characteristic: secured cookie. Its purpose is to store the decisions made by the user under GDPR settings.
Expiration: Persistent
Cookie Name: internalCookies
Provider: Kyocera (first Party)
Cookie characteristic: secured cookie. Its purpose is to store the decisions made by the user under GDPR settings.
Expiration: Persistent
Cookie Name: login-token
Provider: Kyocera (first Party)
Cookie characteristic: secured cookie. Remembers if a user was login/out and maintains security through Login state
Expiration: Persistent
Cookie Name: marketingCookies
Provider: Kyocera (first Party)
Cookie characteristic: secured cookie. Its purpose is to store the decisions made by the user under GDPR settings.
Expiration: Persistent
Met deze cookies kunnen wij de werking van onze website meten en verbeteren.
Cookie name: PREF*
Provider: YouTube
Cookie characteristic: This cookie will remember user preferences and serve up related content or adverts within an embedded YouTube video
Expiration: 8 months
Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy
Cookie name: YSC*
Provider: YouTube
Cookie characteristic: This cookie is set by the YouTube video service on pages with embedded YouTube video
Expiration: session
Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy
Cookie name: VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE*
Provider: YouTube
Cookie characteristic: A cookie that YouTube sets that measures your bandwidth to determine whether you get the new player interface or the old.
Expiration: 8 months
Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy
Cookie name: use_hitbox
Provider: YouTube
Cookie characteristic: The use_hitbox cookie increments the ‘views’ counter on the YouTube video
Expiration: session
Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy
Cookie name: yt-player-bandwidth
Provider: YouTube
Cookie characteristic: Used by YouTube to remember user preferences when viewing an embedded YouTube video.
Expiration: Persistent
Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy
Cookie name: yt-remote-connected-devices
Provider: YouTube
Cookie characteristic: Used by YouTube to remember user preferences when viewing an embedded YouTube video.
Expiration: Persistent
Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy
Cookie name: yt-remote-device-id
Provider: YouTube
Cookie characteristic: Used by YouTube to remember user preferences when viewing an embedded YouTube video.
Expiration: Persistent
Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy
Cookie name: yt-remote-cast-available
Provider: YouTube
Cookie characteristic: Used by YouTube to remember user preferences when viewing an embedded YouTube video.
Expiration: Persistent
Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy
Cookie name: yt-remote-cast-installed
Provider: YouTube
Cookie characteristic: Used by YouTube to remember user preferences when viewing an embedded YouTube video.
Expiration: Persistent
Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy
Cookie name: yt-remote-fast-check-period
Provider: YouTube
Cookie characteristic: Used by YouTube to remember user preferences when viewing an embedded YouTube video.
Expiration: Persistent
Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy
Cookie name: yt-remote-session-app
Provider: YouTube
Cookie characteristic: Used by YouTube to remember user preferences when viewing an embedded YouTube video.
Expiration: Persistent
Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy
Cookie name: yt-remote-session-name
Provider: YouTube
Cookie characteristic: Used by YouTube to remember user preferences when viewing an embedded YouTube video.
Expiration: Persistent
Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy
Cookie name: ccuuid_{shopId}
Provider: commerce Connector
Cookie characteristic: This cookie is needed for the sales tracking in order to determine whether a purchase from a retailer is due to mediation by Commerce Connector. The cookie is set by Commerce Connector at the moment of forwarding, only in case the retailer that has been chosen by the user participates in the sales reports. The cookie will be automatically deleted upon a successful mediation, or else expires automatically after a period of 7 days, if by then no purchase has been made. The cookie saves technical characteristics only from which no direct or indirect conclusion as to the identity of a user would be possible.
Expiration: 7 days
Link: https://www.commerce-connector.com/web/en/policy-cco/
Cookie name: ccuuid
Provider: commerce Connector
Cookie characteristic: This cookie is needed for the sales tracking in order to determine whether a purchase from a retailer is due to mediation by Commerce Connector. The cookie is set by Commerce Connector at the moment of forwarding, only in case the retailer that has been chosen by the user participates in the sales reports. The cookie will be automatically deleted upon a successful mediation, or else expires automatically after a period of 7 days, if by then no purchase has been made. The cookie saves technical characteristics only from which no direct or indirect conclusion as to the identity of a user would be possible.
Expiration: 7 days
Link: https://www.commerce-connector.com/web/en/policy-cco/
Cookie name: pardot
Provider: Salesforce
Cookie characteristic: Set when you are logged in as a Pardot user. This cookie is not set on a visitor’s browser.
Expiration: session
Link: https://www.salesforce.com/company/privacy/
Cookie name: s_sq
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: This cookie is set and read by the JavaScript code when the ClickMap functionality and the Activity Map functionality are enabled; it contains information about the previous link that was clicked on by the user
Expiration: session
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: s_vi
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: Unique visitor ID time/date stamp
Expiration: 2 years
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: s_fid
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: fallback unique visitor ID time/date stamp
Expiration: 5 years
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: AMCV_###@AdobeOrg
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: Unique visitor IDs used by Marketing Cloud Solutions
Expiration: 2 years
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: dextp
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: Audience Manager sets this cookie to record the last time it made a data synchronization call.Opt-out: Audience Manager resets the cookie with a Do Not Target string if a user opts-out of data collection. In this case, the cookie TTL is set as 10 years.
Expiration: 180 days
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: dst
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: Audience Manager sets this cookie when there's an error sending data to a destination.Opt-out: Audience Manager resets the cookie with a Do Not Target string if a user opts-out of data collection
Expiration: 180 days
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: _dp
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: This is a temporary cookie. Audience Manager tries to set the _dp cookie to determine if it can set other cookies in the demdex.net domain in a third-party context. When _dp is set it contains a value of 1. Audience Manager reads this value and immediately removes the cookie. If the _dp cookie is not present, Audience Manager knows it cannot set cookies.
Expiration: unknown
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: _sdsat_landing_page
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: DTM does not create cookies by default, but if certain functionality is leveraged, the following cookies will be set.Predefined cookies (these will only be set if a condition is set in a rule that needs to use them)
Expiration: unknown
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: _sdsat_session_count
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: DTM does not create cookies by default, but if certain functionality is leveraged, the following cookies will be set.Predefined cookies (these will only be set if a condition is set in a rule that needs to use them)
Expiration: unknown
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: _sdsat_pages_viewed
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: DTM does not create cookies by default, but if certain functionality is leveraged, the following cookies will be set.Predefined cookies (these will only be set if a condition is set in a rule that needs to use them)
Expiration: unknown
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: _sdsat_traffic_source
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: DTM does not create cookies by default, but if certain functionality is leveraged, the following cookies will be set.Predefined cookies (these will only be set if a condition is set in a rule that needs to use them)
Expiration: unknown
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: sdsat_debug
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: DTM does not create cookies by default, but if certain functionality is leveraged, the following cookies will be set.Predefined localStorage settings (again, only set if the client sets them, not set by default)
Expiration: unknown
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: sdsat_stagingLibrary
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: DTM does not create cookies by default, but if certain functionality is leveraged, the following cookies will be set.Predefined localStorage settings (again, only set if the client sets them, not set by default)
Expiration: unknown
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: sdsat_hide_activity
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: DTM does not create cookies by default, but if certain functionality is leveraged, the following cookies will be set.Predefined localStorage settings (again, only set if the client sets them, not set by default)
Expiration: unknown
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: data element: ‘_sdsat_’ + data element name
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: DTM does not create cookies by default, but if certain functionality is leveraged, the following cookies will be set.User generated (will be set if a data element or mbox is created that needs them)
Expiration: unknown
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: mbox: ‘_sdsat_mbox_’ + random value
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: DTM does not create cookies by default, but if certain functionality is leveraged, the following cookies will be set.User generated (will be set if a data element or mbox is created that needs them)
Expiration: unknown
Link: https://www.adobe.com/privacy.html
Cookie name: s_nr
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: This cookie stores the date(s) when you visit the Websites, and whether or not you are a new or returning visitor.used with getNewRepeat Plugin
Expiration: 2 years
Cookie name: s_ppn
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: Stores information on the percentage of the page displayed. Created by the getPercentPageviwed plugging
Expiration: session
Cookie name: s_ppv
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: Stores information on the percentage of the page displayed. Created by the getPercentPageviwed plugging
Expiration: session
Cookie name: s_ppvi
Provider: Adobe
Cookie characteristic: Stores information on the percentage of the page displayed. Created by the getPercentPageviwed plugging
Expiration: session
Deze cookies worden alleen geplaatst wanneer u toestemming daarvoor geeft. Wij gebruiken marketing cookies om bij te houden waarop u klikt en hoe u onze website gebruikt, zodat wij op basis van uw interessegebied content en gepersonaliseerde reclame kunnen tonen.
Cookie name: remote_sid*
Provider: YouTube
Cookie characteristic: This cookie allows us to monitor video usage on the website, and allows YouTube to monitor performance of videos, analytics, preferences, and usage, as well as to serve personalised advertising
Expiration: session
Link: https://policies.google.com/privacy
Cookie name: visitor_id135291
Provider: Salesforce
Cookie characteristic: The visitor cookie includes the name “visitor_id” plus the unique identifier for our account, which is derived from the tracking code placed on our site. The value stored is the unique ID for the visitor. For example, cookie name “visitor_id12345” stores the visitor value “123456789,” where 12345 is the account identifier and 123456789 represents the visitor ID. This cookie is set by Pardot tracking code on visitors and prospects.
Expiration: From 180 days to 3650 days
Link: https://www.salesforce.com/company/privacy/
Cookie name: visitor_id135291-hash
Provider: Salesforce
Cookie characteristic: TThe visitor cookie includes the name “visitor_id” plus the unique identifier for our account, which is derived from the tracking code placed on our site. The value stored is the unique ID for the visitor. For example, cookie name “visitor_id12345” stores the visitor value “123456789,” where 12345 is the account identifier and 123456789 represents the visitor ID. This cookie is set by Pardot tracking code on visitors and prospects. The Hash ID extension help shorten ID and disallow exposure of database IDs to the user.
Expiration: From 180 days to 3650 days
Link: https://www.salesforce.com/company/privacy/
Cookie name: bt
Provider: AddThis
Cookie characteristic: Anonymously store viewed content.
Expiration: unknown
Link: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/
Cookie name: loc
Provider: AddThis
Cookie characteristic: Geolocation, which is used to help providers determine how users who share information with each other are geographically located (state level).
Expiration: 13 months
Link: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/
Cookie name: vc
Provider: AddThis
Cookie characteristic: Used by the social sharing platform AddThis
Expiration: 1 year
Link: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/
Cookie name: di2
Provider: AddThis
Cookie characteristic: This cookie checks the expiry dates of other cookies.
Expiration: unknown
Link: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/
Cookie name: um
Provider: AddThis
Cookie characteristic: partner mapping
Expiration: 13 months
Link: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/
Cookie name: uid
Provider: AddThis
Cookie characteristic: Creates a unique, machine-generated user ID. AddThis, which is owned by Clearspring Technologies, uses the user ID to make it possible for the user to share content across social networks and provide detailed statistics to various providers.
Expiration: 1 year
Link: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/
Cookie name: uit
Provider: AddThis
Cookie characteristic: Record share activity via social media sites on the website
Expiration: unknown
Link: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/
Cookie name: uvc
Provider: AddThis
Cookie characteristic: Detects how often the social sharing service, AddThis, encounters the same user.
Expiration: 13 months
Link: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/
Cookie name: ouid
Provider: AddThis
Cookie characteristic: This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget which is commonly embedded in our site to enable visitors to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms.
Expiration: 1 year
Link: http://www.addthis.com/privacy/